5 Hacks to Keep Your Grooming Shop Safe, Organized and Productive
1. Speed Up Drying Times With a Heated Dryer
B-24 Thermal Ace Heat Force Pet Dryer (3 HP)

B-8 Elite Pro Brushless Force Pet Dryer (4 HP)

Get precise control of both speed and heat with this force dryer with digital display. The B-8's motor is completely brushless, which makes its lifetime last up to six times longer than your standard brush motor force dryer.
2. Free Up Space with a Wall Mount Kit
Mounting Your Force Dryer to the Wall

This Wall Mount Kit provides smart storage and frees up space in your grooming salon. It has three accessory slots, a hose station, and two electric cord ports to keep your dryer, nozzle attachments, hose and power cord safely and neatly organized. When you've finished using the dryer, simply snap the hose and nozzles on the bracket and it’s completely out of your way.
Mounting Your B-16 Stand Dryer to the Wall

This is one of the best space-saving solutions for your grooming salon - and it also takes away the headache of tripping over or knocking down equipment that may have been left out during a busy day. Comes with an adjustable arm as well as mounting hardware.
3. Convert your Force Dryer to a Stand Dryer

This Stand Mount Kit allows you to convert any professional XPOWER force dryer to a hands-free operation. It will also keep your force dryer safe and secure when not in use. Equipped with a hose station, accessory slots and electric cord ports.
4. Get a Replacement / Back-Up Hose for Your Force Dryer
Regular Screw-On Hose for Force Dryers

This hose pairs with all XPOWER Professional Force Dryers and 2018 Edition Screw-On Nozzle Attachments. Featuring a new screw-on adapter for added security with nozzle attachments.
Heavy-Duty Hose for Force Dryers

Composed of TPE (thermoplastic rubber) material with a steel spiral frame, this Heavy-Duty Hose is not only highly resistant to heat, but also deformation. Ideal for busy groomers and for force dryers producing heated air.
5. Improve Air Quality in Your Grooming Shop
Using Air Scrubbers with HEPA Filtration

Air scrubbers help clear the air of dust, bacteria, allergens, mould and other airborne particles that can compromise your immune system. XPOWER air scrubbers are extra quiet and energy-efficient.
Using A Negative Ion Generator

This air mover features a negative ion generator that reduces electrostatic build-up, which helps clear the air of airborne pollutants such as allergens and pet dander, that normally would latch onto any surface they can find. It also contains a patented refillable beads cartridge that will fill the air in your grooming shop with your choice of aromatic fragrances.